Wavlink Router IP Address Not Working? Here’s the Fix!

Accessing the IP address is important to make way for the Wavlink router setup wizard. However, it has been noticed that users are unable to access the router IP address and do Wavlink login. Are you also among those users? If yes, then without any delay, consider checking out the troubleshooting tips highlighted below. They’ll surely assist you in resolving the Wavlink IP not working issue.

Fixed: Wavlink Router IP Address Not Working

  • Check the IP Address Entrée

When we say the IP address entrée, there are a lot of factors related to it. Know that the IP address of your Wavlink WiFi router is unique and you can’t access it by committing mistakes in its entrée. Following are the points that need to be taken special care of while accessing the default IP address of the Wavlink wireless router:

  1. There should be no typing errors in the IP address of the Wavlink router.

  1. You should not use the search bar of the web browser to access the default IP of your WiFi router. Use the address bar only.

After mending the mistakes you’ve made, check whether you are able to access the default IP address of your Wavlink WiFi router or not. In case not, then know that it was only the first troubleshooting technique.

  • Update the Internet Browser

Sometimes, the internet browser that you are making use of to access the Wavlink router IP address is at fault. Do you know how? Well, if you surf the web regularly, then you might be well aware of the fact that cache gets accumulated in the browser’s memory and cause problems. Well, you need to get rid of the same by deleting it.

Additionally, consider updating the web browser to its latest version so that you won’t face further troubles in reaching the Wavlink setup wizard by accessing the default IP address.

  • Reboot the Router

Did you try rebooting your Wavlink wireless router? No? Well, this technique should have been given a shot earlier. But, no worries. You can still try it. Doing so will help your router to get free of technical glitches. FYI, technical glitches are one of the most common reasons behind the occurrence of Wavlink router issues.

To reboot your Wavlink WiFi router, consider switching it off. Thereafter, wait for a short span. Once you realize that your WiFi router has been given enough time to revive its performance, consider switching it on.

  • Connect your WiFi Devices Properly

Your WiFi devices need to be properly connected whenever you are carrying out any operating related to your Wavlink WiFi router. But, it seems that the connection between your WiFi devices is nowhere near stable. Thus, you should focus on stabilizing the router-modem connection.

Well, that can be done with respect to the source of the connection in use. If a wireless source is allowing your WiFi devices to communicate, then you are advised to maintain a safe distance between your Wavlink router and modem. In case you have given the router-modem connection’s stability to an Ethernet cable, then consider checking for cuts on it. If the cable possesses cuts, then replace it. Also, the connection must be finger-tight.

  • Change the Router’s Location

Although it is a distant reason, still the wrong location of your Wavlink router affects the success of accessing its IP address. By the wrong location, we mean a place covered with WiFi interference.

Thus, you are suggested to move your Wavlink wireless router away from its current location and place it at a location that is free of WiFi interference. Also, avoid placing it in a corner or near a concrete wall.

Final Words

That’s all about what to do in order to fix the Wavlink router IP address not working issue. We hope that the key tactics discussed above will help you get rid of the problem. On the off chance, you are still unable to make your way to the Wavlink router login page via the default IP, it is advised to go with the default web address. It will surely help you log in to the router using the default Wavlink router password. Now, you can make changes to the settings of your Wavlink router the way you fancy